Donations Page
Narong's Retirement Fund
Want to help out? I have set up a simple retirement fund for Narong!
Narong, as much as his heart is made of gold, his bank balance is not.
For those of you who have met Narong will know this man gives what little he has away with a smile. This is to spread love, joy, and happiness to all around him.
Many of you have shared moments of bliss and serenity at his bar. Memories of music, laughter, and life.
But. One day, a day will come, when Narong can no longer play his guitar, or sing his lungs out. When that day comes, the efforts of your donations comes alive.
Share your love back with a donation - every Bhat, Dollar, Euro, Pound, and beyond helps.
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Animals of Jah Rastafari Bar
Want to help out the animals? I have set up a simple donations page to help out!
Everyone loves animals, no one more so than Narong.
For those of you who have been to Thailand will know that the wildlife is, well pretty WILD. This hasn't stopped Narong doing his best to adopt local stray dogs (Boo Boo and Good Luck) and a variety of cats, chicken, fish.
Many of you have shared moments with these beautiful creatures. All of them showing their own individual character - not an easy task with such a charismatic owner!
But. All of these animals have needs - be it access to food and water. Healthcare and ongoing medical treatments, such as to deter tics or neutering. This comes at a cost.
Share your love back with a donation - every Bhat, Dollar, Euro, Pound, and beyond helps.
Thank you for your support.
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